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ramblings on random stuff

Tips To Help You Feel Calm and Relaxed at Your Next Dental Appointment

Do you put off routine dental care or much-needed dental work because of anxiety? Anxiety is how your body reacts to what you perceive to be stressful or unfamiliar situations. So that sense of distress or dread you have before an event manifests itself as anxiety. While a bit of anxiety can be useful, keeping us alert and aware in certain situations, it can also be debilitating when you are in need of dental care and delaying treatment. Routine dental appointments allow us to help you keep your teeth and gums healthy, and avoiding this treatment can cause small problems…

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What is Teeth Whitening?

Teeth whitening usually changes your natural tooth colour by 5-7 shades brighter. Teeth whitening is the most popular cosmetic dentistry because white teeth generally gives people the clean and pretty impressions! As the saying goes, ‘A beautiful smile is the best make up one can wear’. Teeth whitening is the most instant, easiest and cheapest cosmetic dentistry to enhance your smile and confidence! What is Professional Dental Chairside Teeth Whitening? Professional dental teeth whitening uses active whitening ingredient (either carbamide peroxide or hydrogen peroxide).Working from the inside out, the active ingredients in teeth whitening gels penetrate your teeth to break…

Invisalign 隐适美治疗

讨论了‘绑牙痛不痛’的课题后,我们陆续接收到了许多关于隐适美的询问。所以今天来和大家谈谈什么是隐适美治疗。 Invisalign 隐适美其实是一种隐形牙齿矫治器系统。它采用的是高科技ClinCheck 软件来量身定做使用者的治疗方案。牙医师能透过这软件精准的拟定每一次牙齿移动所需要施加的力度,让矫正过程能按在正确的顺序和时间内移动牙齿。基本上,这是一个很有系统的矫治系体,它能让医师和使用者轻松掌握整个矫正过程,甚至是在治疗开始前让你优先视察治疗后的牙齿排列与笑容。这对需要大概两年治疗时间的案子来说,是个非常好的 expectation management. 它没有使用装置 (bracket)也不需要钢丝,存粹就是一个牙套。 Invisalign 隐适美和传统矫正器一样,在牙科语术上都称之为 Orthodontics, 牙齿矫治器。只要传统矫治器,Braces 能帮助的案例,Invisalign 隐适美都能是其二选项。它们能帮助的牙型有 Overbite 深覆合,Underbite 前牙反合,Crossed bite 个别反合 等等。主要就是为了调整牙齿,重塑笑容。 隐适美治疗的优势 1.近乎隐形 ---->隐适美牙套近乎隐形,即使在治疗中也可以自信的微笑。 2.可自行摘戴---->佩戴者可以在进食时取下牙套,完全不影响使用者享用美食,只要一天佩戴时间不少于20-22 小时。 3.较少疼痛--->隐适美治疗以持续轻力移动牙齿,在治疗过程中疼痛感较轻。与其说疼痛,更多使用者反应的是牙齿在初期会感觉到轻微的压迫感,那是正常的。 4.减少复诊--->传统牙套平均需要每4-8 个星期回来复诊一次。隐适美则平均 6-8 个星期。 5.治疗预期可视化--->在开始隐适美治疗之前,医师会拟出一个详细报告,让你可以看到每一步的治疗预期,轻松了解治疗进程。 6.良好口腔健康---->使用者能取下牙套,像平常一样清洁口腔,维护良好的口腔健康。 好啦,这就是隐适美矫治器。如果还有其他疑问,请欢迎联络我们~